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Tax relief on gifts

Oxfam will be eligible for tax deductions for donations from individuals as of 24 June 2021. This means that you can receive a tax deduction for donations made to us from that date. On this page you will find frequently asked questions and answers, for more detailed information please refer to the Swedish Tax Agency.

Who can get tax relief?

The tax deduction applies to individuals who reach the age of 18 by 31 December of the year in which the gift is made. You must have given at least SEK 200 per gift and at least SEK 2,000 in total to one or more organisations (which are approved recipients of gifts) during a calendar year.

How much tax relief can I get?

You can get a 25 percent tax credit. The maximum amount you can get a deduction on during the income year 2022 (income declaration 2023) is SEK 12,000, which means a maximum deduction of SEK 3,000.

How do I get the tax credit?

In order for us to submit control data to the Swedish Tax Agency, we need your personal identity number. If you are a monthly donor via Autogiro, we already have your personal identity number, but if you have made a one-off donation or are a monthly donor via SMS, it is possible that we do not have this information. Please feel free to contact us and we will add your details to our register.

In January, we send a tax return to the Tax Agency for donations made in the previous year. The tax credit will then be pre-printed on your income tax return. The total number of donations to different organisations is added up by the Tax Agency, by all organisations (that are approved recipients of donations) submitting control statements to the Tax Agency.
On the Tax Agency's website you can read more about tax relief and see which organisations are approved gift recipients.

Does Oxfam have my social security number?

Are you unsure whether we have enough information to submit a control report to the Tax Agency? If so, please contact Givarservice, see contact details at the bottom of the page.

Can I increase my monthly amount?

Of course! It's easy to increase your monthly amount, and you choose how much you want to give. Even a small amount makes a big difference to people in poverty. Contact the Giving Service and we'll arrange it for you.

Contact details for Givarservice

You are welcome to contact the Donor Services with questions about tax deductions, tax returns or donations.

Telephone: 08 - 411 88 22
E-mail: info@oxfam.se

If you prefer to send a letter, our address is:
Oxfam Sweden c/o The Park Forskaren
Hagaplan 4
113 68 Stockholm

Read more at Skatteverket.se

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